I don't have the time theses days, to respond right away, I can only hope it won't take me too long. God Bless!
I need informational help. If you have a good idea for my site, please post it here. And thanks in advance! God bless you all! Laura
 How can I help? Thats what I said. I have been so grateful , so many different times. When the church payed our water bill, I cried. When a far away friend sent money for Christmas, I cried. So many different times I have cried because people have touched my heart. I wanta reach out, and help too. I wanta cry tears of joy. That I can actually help someone else. I have had no money to give. But I try to help people find their way, and find the assistance they need. When my neighbors are out of food, If I have it to give , I will. You don't have to have money to help. You can help people with your time! Do what I did! I sponsored a Christmas Red Kettle from the Salvation Army. I have pledged to try to earn $150 for other peoples children. I don't know if mine will have a Christmas. But I think they will. I have started planning already. The last 2 years, I was unable to buy presents for my kids. That is the worst feeling. Thats why I chose the Red kettle. But you can do lots of things. Volunteer for the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. Volunteer at your local charities. Start a blog and just talk to people. Just having someone to talk to sometimes is the best thing you can do. I wish all Americans a great life, and I pray you all have food on your table, and your electric bill is payed, and so is your mortgage or rent. God Bless!
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    Do you need help thats not here? Have you looked everywhere? Check Aidpage as well. God Bless and good luck!


    My Name is Laura Adcock. Im a 40 yr old mother and wife. My family and I are Concerned about Americas future, and we worry about our neighbors. If we all worried about our neighbors, I don't think we would have to.


    July 2010
    October 2009

