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6/30/2011 03:15:20 am

i am an indian lived with 14 person of joint family, we have self business but at the moment we are to much puzele by losses. so we have needed 1,40,00,000 indian money. we had no a any single way to pay to this amount. so please help me. if any body cant help me, we have no a way without sucied of whole family. so please help me and save our life


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    Do you need help thats not here? Have you looked everywhere? Check Aidpage as well. God Bless and good luck!


    My Name is Laura Adcock. Im a 40 yr old mother and wife. My family and I are Concerned about Americas future, and we worry about our neighbors. If we all worried about our neighbors, I don't think we would have to.


    July 2010
    October 2009

